“The Third Eye of Param Pujaya Param Lowe ji Maharaj”
परम पुज्य परम लौ जी महाराज का तीसरा नेत्र (सबूत सहित )
1. Evidence No.1 of Third Eye of Param Lowe ji Maharaj.
2 . Evidence No.2 of Third Eye of Param Lowe ji Maharaj.

3 . Latest evidence of Earthquake prediction by Param Lowe ji Maharaj

On 26th October, 2015 Mr. Param Lowe predicted an Earthquake 5 hours before actually a 7.5 magnitude Earthquake occurs in Hindukush Hill of Afghanistan. The image is posted as an evidence of Sixth Sense of Param Lowe. In above image, which is a screenshot of Param Lowe’s twitter account (@param_lowe) shows that at 11:45 IST (Indian Standard Time) Mr. Param Lowe posted on his twitter profile marking his tweet to @USGS (USA agency that tracks and keep record of Earthquakes on our Planet Earth) and to @PMOIndia (Official twitter account of Prime Minister of India) and sends a 24 hour #Alert that an earthquake of high strength can strike in western part of India and in neighbouring country of Pakistan. And he mentions that his Sixth Sense has noticed a high intensity tremor travelling under his feet at 11:45 am, further incredibly Mr. Param Lowe also mentions direction of Earthquake as from Indian state Gujurat towards New Zealand. Just after five hours from his tweet a major earthquake of magnitude 7.5 occurred in Hindukush hill of Afganistan.
You might have heard claims from people about “Third Eye” and “Kundalini Shakti ” but ask yourself has anyone given you any evidence like this?