Yesterday, (17th Sep, 2010) at 2:30 PM, I have noticed the high intensity seismic activity and immediately posted on to Sixth Sense blog about it. 6.3 magnitude Earthquake struck after 11 hours of that post. I have been posting in my earlier quake log posts that when ever I felt high intensity seismic tremor waves for a longer duration more than 40 seconds at a stretch, the epicenter of impending Earthquake is more closer to my place. Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake struck Hindu Kush Hills Afghanistan, tremors felt across Pakistan and Delhi India.
Last night it was little unusual with me. I was sleepless as fluids started to ooze out and there was sweat on my scalp. It was little itchy also which made me awake. While lying on my bed, I felt two jolts, as if someone pushed my bed sideways (from East to West). I knew its an earthquake and hurriedly left the bed and stood on my feet. Then I tried to concentrate on any movement in ground, but there was none. Switched on tiny led lamp, then I went washroom. The time on my cellphone displayed exact 01:00 AM (IST). Then don’t know what came to my mind, I grabbed my laptop, cellphone, anti-inflammatory drug, Wifi dongle, shirt and wallet. I asked myself, “Am I preparing for bigger earthquake? Should I wake up parents?”. I waited for 2 – 3 minutes everything was normal. I went back to bed and fell asleep in few minutes. It has passed….It has passed.
September 18, 2010, earthquake, Hindu Kush (Afghanistan), Pakistan, India