Universe Has Contracted

कालचक्र की गती तेज होगई है।
If any of you people are associated with astronomy (or is associated with agencies like ISRO and NASA) and you believe in Sixth Sense kind of phenomena then take a new study try to evaluate whether I am right or not. I felt that Universe and subsequently our solar system has contracted a bit (a bit is quite significant figure in astronomy). If you have data on any particular stars position in digital figures try evaluating their position again with previous data (earlier than Sep 30th, 2007). Universe is continuously expanding and contracting, but whats the catch here is you have to evaluate my statement that Universe has contracted and that too in a specific period between Sep 30th, 2007 and Oct 2nd, 2007.

If this is true all the data available there about orbital paths of asteroids and star constellations might have altered Or its just relative proportional contraction. Check if I am right. The amazing thing here is that can a person sitting on Earth feel whats happening in the universe without the help of any scientific instruments or its just a useless feelings one person is having and blogging it to waste other people’s time. Whats the use of blogging if I could not find whether my senses are projecting truth or not. Ok! I got quakes right because people felt these and read newspapers, viewed on TV, but what about Universe the space. If this came out to be true man you have to lay new fundamentals of the science all together…”What a crazy blog. Man! I need a break”, but its worth sharing any information. Who know I may be contributing to the new future of humans. “Short on language skills but full on senses.”

If any of you people have friends or relatives in NASA or ISRO or any other Astronomy agency please forward this post to them I need answer for this.

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