How to convert MS Word 2007 docx file into doc Word 2003?

How to convert MS Word 2007 docx file into doc/htm ?
Convert docx file to doc office 2003Why do people change? Change is the only constant. Microsoft Office 2007 introduced a new file format called the Microsoft Open Office XML Format (.docx). This format is not compatible with older versions of Microsoft Word 2003 nor is it compatible with other word processing applications like OpenOffice, Lotus 123, or NeoOffice. People send you documents with .docx and your Office application refuses to read it, then you have no other option but to return to sender and ask for a .doc file instead. This process wastes a lot of time, but now a deskctop widget is availble to solve this problem.

For Windows User
To open Microsoft Office Word 2007 .docx or .docm files with Microsoft Office Word 2003, Word 2002, or Word 2000, you need to install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for 2007 Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint File Formats and any necessary Office updates.
Read More on microsoft website
Online Convertor instantly converts your file in seconds and supports images, tables and advanced formatting.
For Mac users
The Docx-converter Dashboard Widget allows you to convert the .docx file. In order to convert your .docx file, drag it into the drop area of the widget (click to drag, press F12, drop) and the widget will convert the file and save it to the location of the original file (with a .htm extension).

Download .docx file conertor desktop widget

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