Quake Log : Macedonia, Italy and Rajasthan the pattern of Earthquake

Part I : Analysis of Earthquakes and finding relation with climate change and Global Warming

Today at 8:10 am there was news cast on TV that Earthquake tremors, upto the Richter scale 5 were felt in Badmer,Jaisalmer cities of Rajasthan state of India. There is a marked pattern of Earthquakes to be seen in Australia, Macedonia, Italy and now Rajasthan (India).

I woke up with a headache this morning. Yes, in every incidence of Earthquake tremors, I have tense/ achenes in temples or forehead. This I can relate as directly proportional to the scale and nearness of earthquake from my place of my residence. Some Earthquake even affect my heart rhythm; it speeds up for the duration a quake wave passes under my feet.

The earthquake that devastated Italy did not traveled upto my place and I have not felt any thing. My involvement in voluptuous mind1 (I am seeking women ๐Ÿ™‚ ) vibes could have prevented my sensitivity to record the tremors passing under me. Second culprit is the nauseating feeling generated by filth of political drama happening in India.

There were heavy rains and windstorm on the night of 8th April 2008. Usually in the month of April, heat of summer season sets in and we have to rely on coolers and air conditioner appliances to counter the raising temperatures. But yesterday, I was sleeping in a blanket. This is what makes me think that, the seasons are loosing pattern of periodicity. In more intellectual talk, we simply call it Climate Change.

In my view Climate change and increased occurrence of Earthquake are related phenomena. See the two-three Earthquake tremor that I experienced before Melbourne and Macedonia earthquakes, had a direction of West to Northern affinity of East. Now we can assume this is settling down pattern of Earthquake as an after effect of lateral movement of quake tremors that I noticed. This pattern again makes me believe that Earth is in fact sinking rather than rising.

1 indulging in sensual pleasures