Thanks Giving 2008
Its time to Thank GOD, for all that He provided us to complete this year of our life.
This time thank GOD with more of devotion to secure His blessings that you may be
blessed to Thank Him next season too. May GOD bless us all and may his children start
to see his impression in their lives.
Its mid of December month, of this year 2008. This year, there is marked decrese in chill arround here in Mohali city (near Chandigarh City, Punjab, INDIA) and I am more concerned about the vision, I received in month of July 2007. I have already posted a video onto YouTube and on my webTV site too about that vision. Our planet Earth is experiencing marked increase in atmospheric temprature since last decade. International orgainsations project their superficial concerns on the same.
Some of scientists have guide the world industrial map to cut down co2 emissions, to make
cars more greener. But have they succeeded enough? Have they been on right track?
Will their efforts be fruitfull enough to save the major flood flow on Earth? I fear, the answer seems a big “NO”.
What can I do? What can you do?
Pray to GOD and seek His mercy and get to work!
so what kind of work? Read my words….I am now quite sure about the feasibility of the future vision, which I received about flood. In that vision, I saw TV news reports. In which I saw news about high flood (not Tsunami like but quite aggressive) in costal areas of UK, Western
Europe, Noth-western part of Africa, North-East of Latin American countries (more grave situation will be there) maybe, Argentina, Brasil, Amazon river land area etc. One news was about Maxico and Miami, Florida. All were aerial pictures except London (UK) visiuals, which were like some one shooting videos standing on a flooded street.
So dear do your job on flood rescue and manegement before hand. This is what will save your life.
I must say and whole heartedly accept, that I am an active alarmist and I say you should value
that some kind of alarms are there for you…
Remember to pay your Thanks with deepest of devotion this time..
With best wishs,
Param Lowe (means divine light, noor-e-elahi, lo-mohe-al, the ultimate light, I just remember God with my name)