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About Param Lowe

SixthSense India ! Q. What is sixthsense? A. Sixth Sense is evolved or developed sensory power of mind. I am the real living example of SixthSense in humans. Wanna learn how to develop sixth sense? Join Param Lowe's online webcast starting April 2012. The fee of joining is USD 9045.00. send email to sixthsense@parmlowe.com

USA Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootout 20 Children Killed

Connecticut , Newtown via CNN news In one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, a heavily armed man dressed in black wearing military vest (recognied as 20-year-old Adam Lanza), walked into a Connecticut opened fire in a Connecticut Continue reading USA Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootout 20 Children Killed

Generating random HTML Code / Ad banner with PHP

Many times,  I feel the need to use a code to display random content on my websites. There are many options available to achieve this.  Web developers use different scripts and applets for generating random HTML code on to their Continue reading Generating random HTML Code / Ad banner with PHP

Best Free Android apps – imo instant messenger

imo is an instant messenger that allows you to chat on Skype, Facebook Chat, Google Talk, MSN, ICQ/AIM, Yahoo, Jabber, Myspace from a single place. imo allows yout to stay in touch with friends on your existing IM accounts. The Continue reading Best Free Android apps – imo instant messenger

Best Free Android apps – WhatsApp Messenger

WhatsApp Messenger is a smart-phone messenger available for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Phone and Nokia phones etc. WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to send message to your friends and family who also have Whatsapp messenger installed on Continue reading Best Free Android apps – WhatsApp Messenger

Best Free Android apps – Nimbuzz Messenger apk

Nimbuzz Messenger is a free android app chat and voice calling to connect with your friends online Nimbuzz Messenger combines internet and smart phone messenger into one and you can make free voice calls, send messages, share files on any Continue reading Best Free Android apps – Nimbuzz Messenger apk

Why Mahadeva ShivShankara could not recognized Ganesha?

God is simple and same is with His stories, but man’s quest for knowledge has made it complex just to satisfy man’s intellect. Mahadeva lives with limit of a body and still remain in His Godly glory. The Ganesha Story Continue reading Why Mahadeva ShivShankara could not recognized Ganesha?