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About Param Lowe

SixthSense India ! Q. What is sixthsense? A. Sixth Sense is evolved or developed sensory power of mind. I am the real living example of SixthSense in humans. Wanna learn how to develop sixth sense? Join Param Lowe's online webcast starting April 2012. The fee of joining is USD 9045.00. send email to sixthsense@parmlowe.com

OMG 8.8 mag Earthquake struck JAPAN and huge Tsunami

In my previous post, which I have posted just 5-6 hours back, I have mentioned that the direction of Seismic pulses being noticed by me have reversed and now it moving from South to East. After that post I went Continue reading OMG 8.8 mag Earthquake struck JAPAN and huge Tsunami

Seismic direction reversed now South to East

Today at around 11:12 Hrs IST (+5:30 GMT) I felt seismic activity of low intensity and I noticed that it had reverse direction than the seismic tremors I have felt few days back. Direction : going from South (approx. 40 Continue reading Seismic direction reversed now South to East

ALERT : An Earthquake may strike India in next 12 hours

My recent tweets on 24th Feb,2011 Thursday at 15:35 Hrs IST (GMT/UTC Thu 10:05) ALERT : Earlier the Seismic pulse was of shortwave nature, means an impending Earthquake near my location and may be coming in few Hours (4-12) » Continue reading ALERT : An Earthquake may strike India in next 12 hours

Entertainment as tool of Governance.

Entertainment is a best tool of Governance these days. Since the invention of electronic mode of entertainment like radio, satellite TV, video games it has tremendous impact on soothing out public outrage against unpleasant policies and inefficiencies of Government systems Continue reading Entertainment as tool of Governance.