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Quake_Log_March_10th_2009 : Rapid pulses West to East

Quake_Log_March_10th_2009 : At 17:07 Hours IST (+5:30 GMT) I experienced rapid tremor pulses having direction West to East and lasted for 1 and half mins. A definite signal of an impending quake in near vicinity, May be Iran > Afghanistan Continue reading Quake_Log_March_10th_2009 : Rapid pulses West to East

5 days later, Earthquake in Tibet, Kyrgyzstan, central Afghanistan

On 2nd October,2008 I issued an alert of an impending Earthquake on western side of Earth (w.r.t India as center) and five days later here is a news about big Earthquake of magnitude 5.9 which jolted Central Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Continue reading 5 days later, Earthquake in Tibet, Kyrgyzstan, central Afghanistan

Confirmed! Quake news from Sichuan and Indonesia

UPDATE at 16:15 IST I am uploading the evidence video (see at bottom) to YouTube and as it would take at least 45 minutes to upload 20 mb video (64kbps-Airtel, will change ISP or upgrade speed), I took a break Continue reading Confirmed! Quake news from Sichuan and Indonesia

Quake news : 5.6 magnitude quake in California

On July 18th, 2008 I experienced rapid tremor waves, which were of small bounds and this lasted for 3 minutes. The direction was east-South to North-west(see pic of India map, my place). I forgot………..I forgot……..wait … Yes on 16th July Continue reading Quake news : 5.6 magnitude quake in California

Video: God’s Messages for this World 2008

The messages, I perceive through divine communication when there is only one way communication. In those moments, when I don’t ask

Missed some news this time? Taiwan Quake

Param Lowe predicted Taiwan Quake one week earlier than it actually happened If you are a regular reader of my Sixth Sense Blog then you might have read my blog post dated June 7th, 2008 in which, I have mentioned Continue reading Missed some news this time? Taiwan Quake

Param Lowe’s Sixth Sense Tsunami alert

Quake_log_June_2008 Today at 8:35 am IST (+5.30 GMT) on June 07, 2008 I have witnessed a tremor pulse of moderate strength lasting about 20 sec. The tremor wave clearly indicated that there is polar shift in direction from the previously Continue reading Param Lowe’s Sixth Sense Tsunami alert

Quake Log : This one is a curling quake.

Quake_log_26th_May_2008 Quake Log : This one is a curling quake. Today at 02:16 pm IST (+5.30 GMT) I experienced a low quake tremor wave and second one at 03:48 pm IST (Indian Standard Time). My first attention was to analyse Continue reading Quake Log : This one is a curling quake.

Quake log : 23rd May, 2008 Two new quake tremors

Quake Log : Two new pulses in a span of half an hour. Today at 10:01 am IST (+5.30 GMT) I experienced a very low quake tremor wave and second one at 10:22 am IST (Indian Standard Time). Second one Continue reading Quake log : 23rd May, 2008 Two new quake tremors