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About Param Lowe

SixthSense India ! Q. What is sixthsense? A. Sixth Sense is evolved or developed sensory power of mind. I am the real living example of SixthSense in humans. Wanna learn how to develop sixth sense? Join Param Lowe's online webcast starting April 2012. The fee of joining is USD 9045.00. send email to sixthsense@parmlowe.com

25 April 2011 Earthquakes 6.2 Indonesia & mag 5.0 hits J&K India

mag 6.2 strong and shallow #Earthquake has hit eastern Indonesia, Sulawesi island (AP) JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A strong and shallow earthquake has hit eastern Indonesia. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake that rattled Sulawesi island Monday morning had Continue reading 25 April 2011 Earthquakes 6.2 Indonesia & mag 5.0 hits J&K India

West to East SEISMIC activity noticed by SixthSense (24 April, 2011 12:30 GMT)

At 18:00 Hrs IST Sun ( GMT Sun 12:30 Hrs) SEISMIC activity noticed by my SixthSense direction West (15 degrees South) towards East (15 degrees North) nature of Seismic wave was Shortwave type and intensity was low. SEISMIC activity illustration Continue reading West to East SEISMIC activity noticed by SixthSense (24 April, 2011 12:30 GMT)

Mag 6.9 hits Solomon Islands (23 April 2011)

“As 6.9 mag Earthquake hits Solomon Islands, This could be another signal of worry for JAPAN….” Param Lowe 6.9-magnitude quake hits Soloman Islands (east of Papua New Guinea) An earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale jolted Solomon Islands at Continue reading Mag 6.9 hits Solomon Islands (23 April 2011)

Earthquake 3.4 mag hits Christchurch NewZealand (17th April, 2011)

Want to see a proof of Sixth Sense? Read my previous post and tweets few minutes ago an Earthquake measuring 3.4 magnitude hits Canterbury region, Within 5 km of Christchurch New Zealand (17th April, 2011 at 11:05 pm NZST) Source Continue reading Earthquake 3.4 mag hits Christchurch NewZealand (17th April, 2011)

SEISMIC Pulse noticed at 16:13 Hrs IST North to South 17.04.2011

SEISMIC Pulse noticed at 16:13 Hrs IST (GMT/UTC Sun 10:43 Hrs) North (30 degs in West) towards South (30 degs in East) moderate intensity. Seismic activity noticed was of medium wave nature and at 16:29 Hrs IST, I have experienced Continue reading SEISMIC Pulse noticed at 16:13 Hrs IST North to South 17.04.2011